Sunday, February 20, 2011


Hello loves!!!!

Are you guys enjoying this wonderful weekend? I know I am!

Anyways, I was wondering; what ever happened to real friendship? To people being there for you no matter what! I've realized, that there are very few people I can call "friends"...a handful. What is wrong with people and their different personalities? I mean, one minute they're fine...the next, they're bonkers. I just don't understand. I've come to understand that there are very, very few people I can call real friends. People that I know will be there for me no matter what. The people who really matter are the ones that will stick by you... through thick and thin. Those so called friends are only there for you when times are great and fun. Fuck that. I need and want real people in my life.

Well, I just thought I'd pour out a little of my feelings today. Hope you all enjoy this Sunday. I'm going to get ready to go spend some quality time with REAL people. Like REAL cheese. LOL. Anyways, have a freaking awesome day!

Kisses and love.


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