Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

Hello there Cherubs!!!!

I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine's day. Unfortunately, mine was awful. Sick all day! Stuck in bed. Throwing up like there was no tomorrow. Thankfully, looks like it's a 24hr virus. So, I'm feeling quite better now. But, not really. LOL. Hopefully I won't wake up at 3am again tonight. At least the cracker I had for dinner stayed in my tummy. Cupid must have shot me with a sick bug instead of the looooove bug! Just saying!

Anyways, I was wondering...what makes Valentine's day so special and different from any other day? Why wait 'till February 14th to tell the one you love, that you love them, or to give them flowers, and chocolates? Why can't that be at least once a month. I really don't see any reason to wait an entire year. If you have someone you love in your life...just freaking tell them! Get them roses,chocolates, whatever little special thing you feel like giving them. I'm not saying: Don't celebrate Valentine's! I'm just saying, celebrate your love every month. Make that someone feel special everyday...every month. Not just once a year. Maybe I'm just not a romantic. Oh well! Anyway my love bugs, have a good night sleep tight...or maybe go make love to that special someone ;)



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