Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Fashion over Education

It's non of my business what people do with their lives and money, but one thing really bothers me and that is: parents who spend hundreds of dollars on clothes for their kids instead of saving that money for their college education or other necessary things their kid might need along the way.

You see, I don't come from a wealthy family, so I understand that my parents didn't have enough ching ching to save for my college education, so I do understand that value of a dollar. Living here in the states I have seen things that are just...disgusting. If you're living off welfare, how the hell can you afford a $600 stroller? Or super expensive baby gadgets? Buying clothes for your kid all the time...and not clothes from kohls or old navy more like shoping at Lord and Taylor. Why the hell do you NEED to buy your kid name brand clothes? Do babies really care what they where? Will other babies judge your baby for wearing something from Marshalls or Old Navy? Or even Wal-Mart for that matter? Your baby is going to grow out of it in no time anyway.

Why spend $60 on a pair of shoes for a 3year old? I don't get it! Why not save that money for something more important in your childs life? Kids don't care what they wear. Teens in the other hand do. But still, there is so much money spent on stupid things that it's just ridiculous. I can't believe people actually spend hundreds of dollars on their kids just to make them look "fresh". You know, Old Navy, Marshalls, The Childrens Place, Kohls...all have super cute clothes for babies and kids and at a very good price. Cheap, and they're good clothes.

And let's face it, do you actually think these parents do it for their kids? NO! It's more of a competition of who dresses their baby or kid better. The child has become an accessory!!! -excuse me I need to barf now-

How can you call yourself an extraordinary parent if your spending money on things your kid doesn't really need. Save it for his or her future, they will be grateful for it someday.

I honestly don't know why I'm writing this at this time of the night...I just had a little tick in my brain bothering me saying: write it! Write it now!

People, please...think of what's really important in your childs life. It's not name brand clothes, or fancy shoes and sneakers. Kids don't care about those things. Save that money for their future, invest in something that will educate them and nourish their little brains. Don't raise little monsters for the future or gold diggers. Kids just want to be kids!


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