Wednesday, October 6, 2010

What am I missing?

Hello there Bloggies!

It has been over a month and a half that I haven't written anything. Nothing new nor interesting has happened within the past month. Therefore I haven't written much...well actually nothing at all.

My life has been the same...nothing exciting in Marie's life. I am in need of adventure and new things...things that will amaze me and make me sigh at their very sight.

Recently I've been thinking a lot about life and the things that make it LIFE. The people that run into our lives and the ones that for some reason, run out. What is friendship? What is love? What is pain? What is hope? What is a secret? I've been asking myself...what are they? I kind of have an idea of what real friendship is. Sort of kind of know what love is. Pain, I might have become immune to it. Hope, I really lost the definition and meaning of it. And secrets? Can anyone keep one? Yea, you, yourself and...yourself.

Today, I'm not really writing about anything in particular...I really don't know what to write about, but then again I have a bunch of things running through my mind that I want to write about...but I don't know where to start.

Well, I just thought I'd write a little something...just to keep my "blog" going. I will soon come up with some new stuff. I will just spill myself again.


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