Hello there bloggies,
I know I had promised to write something everyday, but it seems like I'm too busy and way too tired at the end of the day to sit down and write something. Soooo, I think I might make it more of a weekly thing, unless I'm not that tired and decide to write something during the week.
A few things have happened in the past couple of days that has put my mind to think, and wonder and question; WTF is wrong with people in this world?
First off, I want to tell you about a little misunderstanding that happened a couple of weeks ago. About three weeks ago I posted on my status how it made me feel uncomfortable to open my FB page and find on my news feed: Happy Sabbath! Not because it's a bad thing, because it's not. But, the fact that it is posted by people who call themselves Seventh Day Adventists, who go to church on Saturdays yet you can find them at a bar on a Friday or Thursday night. I didn't intend to write this directed to anyone in particular, it was more of a "to whom ever it may apply". Personally I don't see anything wrong with dancing and having a couple of drinks after all it's your life and whatever you do with it is your problem...non of my business. So, what's my problem? I don't have one, the thing is that when you decide to become a Seventh Day Adventist you take some vows before getting baptized and promise to live your life according to the teachings of the SDA church and remain faithful, otherwise you can be erased from the church. People who don't abide by these rules make me think of them as hypocrites. SDA's don't drink, dance or party etc. When I see a "SDA" doing these things I honestly don't see him as a SDA, I just happen to see him/her as a Christian.
My best friend does not agree with me, due to the fact that she is a SDA and stills pulls off going out to dance and what not. Does this make her a horrible person? NO! A bad Christian? NO! I do not want to be one to pass judgement because I am nobody to do such thing and I am far from being perfect baby. I myself was a SDA and didn't always live my life according to their teachings, but I tried my best to obey the rules though I got off the tracks quite a few times. I then decided to be a Christian, not an Adventist or a Pentecostal or a Catholic or a Muslim...just a Christian. Someone who believes in God with all her heart. Christianity is very important in my life and acknowledging that there is a God as well. Jesus is my hommie! I just don't want to be labeled under any religion, why? Because I will then be targeted if I don't live my life according to the teachings of whatever church. To me religion splits family, people and the world apart. I rather have a general knowledge of Christianity than live by the rules of any religion. I am a Christian and that's all you should know. I don't have to prove to anyone or any church my relationship with God.
My best friend still believes that it's OK to go out and drink and still go to church on Saturdays and call yourself a SDA, that's her view on things and I respect that, there is no way anyone can change her way of thinking and seeing things and that's fine. It's her life and she can do with it as she pleases to. My status like I said was not directed to anyone it was just a thought...an opinion. Now you know what really disappoints me? That some "Adventist" will read this and immediately pass judgement on me and if he or she is "my friend" that person might not talk to me again for not having his or her same beliefs. Is that a REAL christian? A real friend? NOPE!
Anyways, my point is that everyone has a different opinion about life and religion and everything in between, some choose to keep it to themselves and shut their mouths, others, like me like to share their opinion and shout it out loud without being scared of what people might think. Some may not like it, some will...but then again who cares? I live in a free country and have the wonderful freedom of speech. Can I get a HOOOORAAAY for that? HOOOOORAAAAY!
On another note, on Saturday night I watched a movie that made me cry like I was a baby. I was sobbing! "The Stoning of Soraya M." to me is a wonderful film, yes, a little graphic, but great. I cried as if I knew the woman. After watching the movie my mind was just racing, thinking of all the atrocious things that happen to woman around the world and we don't even know of. I thought of how woman are treated like shit in other countries and it just broke my heart to pieces. I thought of how lucky I am to be an American, to be able to speak and express myself, to be able to dress as I wish to, to have the right to vote and the freedom to date as many men as I want without being stoned to death. I love that I don't have to put up with being treated like crap by a man, that I have the choice of making my own decisions and believing whatever I want to believe, that a man has no right whatsoever to do with me whatever he pleases to. It makes me angry to see how women in this country let men treat them like garbage knowing that they don't have to put up with it. Ladies, have some self respect and love yourselves, if you don't, no one else will...you will then be a rag doll and treated as one. If men want to play, show him the way to the closest "Toys 'R' Us" and tell him to get himself a Barbie doll and play with her as much as he wants.
Don't ever let a man manipulate you. There are ALOT of scum bags out there, but also ALOT of GREAT men as well. Just my opinion!
I am not against anyone or anything. I just like to express what I feel. No misunderstandings please. If someone feels offended, then I am sorry. Just don't read my blog then ;) xoxo