Sunday, July 25, 2010

Peeing issues

Hello there Bloggies!

It's been a few days since my last post, I've been tired and lazy, kid free since thursday, yay no work! Not for long though. Nothing newsworthy has taken place in the last few days besides yesterday...while driving my friends mom to the airport.

In the car we were just chin-wagging and laughing our butts off. Right before getting onto the Whitestone bridge, traffic hit badly! We were stuck in traffic for what seemed like forever and a day, to be more precise 1 hour! Jess had been drinking her cup of coffee and was outstandingly quiet lol, she's usually always chit-chatting. She had been trying to concentrate on my talk and her mothers...failing to it, she suddenly said: OMG I need to pee! I need to pee badly!

Unfortunetly we were still in traffic, bumper to bumper, no rest rooms around baby! So, what was she to do? She had her whole cup of Joe and a bottle of water, maybe even more...her bladder was about to explode, detonate, blow up, burst...whatever you want to call it. She couldn't hold it in any longer. She suddenly thought of the magnificent idea of: PEEING IN A WATER BOTTLE! How oh how, can a girl pee in a bottle??? We obviously don't have a point and shoot thingy! I must say the girl has skills. I don't think I would be capable of pulling something like that...ever! Props to you my dearest friend. You rock!

She even managed to do this while her mother and I were in the front seat laughing our butts off and while we had cars less than 2 feet away from us, she was even making little jokes: this bottle is attacking my vagina! She was able to concentrate. Jess, you are indeed my hero. I don't think I've ever laughed so hard in my life.

Now you see my dear friends, us woman are capable of doing anything men might do. We are awsome! But, I will make sure I find and buy that pink peeing funnel thingy to make life easier on the road for when mother nature decides to make her way thru ;) Her pee bottle now sits at the entrance of the Whitestone bridge in New York.



  1. Uh, gross?!? lol Not to say that I've never done it, sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do!

  2. lol, how the hell did she manage that???

  3. lmao I soooo Love you lol ur too much
