Thursday, June 23, 2011

Enjoy your summer!!!

My looooves!

As usual it's been a while...but I've been a busy bee...and haven't really taken out any time to think of something to write.

I was just browsing the "net" and decided to stop by and wish you all a super splendid summer. Mine so far is great. Lot's of fun plans for this summer and maybe even traveling to my dream destination! If I do end up going to this "magical place" I've been dying to visit, I'll post pics and every other thing I do.

Anyways, people, live and love. There's no greater thing in life. Life is too precious to be upset, sad, angry and full of hate. Know that whatever has happened in your life, God let it happen for a reason and that because of that you are who you are now. Rejoice in the memories you've built. Lately I've been thinking of many things that have happened in my life and how happy they made me feel at one point...and why many have come to an end...they happened to teach me a lesson. I'm sure the same has happened to you. Count your blessings. Be happy for the good and bad. Appreciate everything and everyone that surrounds you. Be a happy soul...someone who radiates HAPPINESS and JOY!
